Dark Eerie Winter Junk Journals

Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers

This winter I could not resist making more dark creepy Gothic themed winter junk journals for my like minded, eerie loving enthusiasts of all things weird and dark :) These journals offer an unsettling atmosphere that will immediately seep deep into your bones. Each page offers an obscure tale, filled with cryptic symbols, faded spirits and ghoulish visitors.
I like to imagine what writings and notions might be shared inside these sacred pages.
Perhaps it goes something like this???….

She writes…As the night casts its eerie glow upon the world, I sit here in the quiet solitude of my journal, documenting the unnerving events that unfold under the watchful eye of the full moon. The moon tonight seems different, its luminescence unusually intense. Shadows dance and twist, elongating into grotesque shapes that give me an unsettling sensation. Eerie, wispy tendrils of mist drift across the moonlit landscape, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. Silence looms.”

Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers cover

The writer continues… “I find nothing but the moon's unrelenting glare, illuminating the desolation before me. Yet, the sensation persists, as if someone or something is watching, lurking just beyond my field of vision. A mournful howl echoes through the night, sending shivers down my spine. It is a sound that carries both longing and menace, a chilling reminder that winter darkness reigns. The howl seems to come from a far-off place, yet its resonance reverberates deep within my soul, awakening primal fears I never knew I possessed.”

Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers cover

* Journal Size 9"x 6"

* 36 pages for a total of 72 (144 front and back) ---> a mixture of papers with various winter themed papers, digital pages I printed out, card stock and recycled book pages.

* 63 tags of different sizes

* 26 mini tags* 15 wrap around folded tags

* 4 tabs

* 7 jumbo paper clips with fabric
* sewn together with three hole pamphlet stitch/black wax thread

Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers cover

The writer continues…”The trees, once stalwart guardians of the night, now sway with an unsettling rhythm. Their branches thrash and bend, creating an ominous chorus against the black backdrop of the sky. Their eerie, skeletal forms seem almost alive under the full moon's intensity, as if they are reaching out for something, or someone who is no longer living.”

Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers cover
Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers cover
Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers cover

Perhaps the last mysterious entry might go a little like this…” With each passing moment, the shadows grow more restless. They twist and flutter, as if attempting to break free from their tethered existence. Vague figures dart and weave, merging with the night's obscurity, playing tricks on my mind. It becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate between what is real and what is an illusion under the moon's unyielding presence.”

Handmade black gothic winter junk journal with winter ephemera and papers cover

If you enjoy the haunting imagery of the darkest and coldest season…this may just be the journal for you.
Here in these junk journals you can share your haunted and ghoulish musings :)

You can find these journals on my website here

Thanks for popping by! Lisa :)

Ps- the journal entries written here on this blog are a work fiction created for this blog post
and are not included in any of the journals themselves.

ila and alice

welcome to the home of interesting & unique handmade junk journals and postcards


Handmade Winter Junk Journals


Christmas Junk Journal Pages